Snow and Solar System

Snow and Solar System When it snows, it is necessary to clean the Solar Panels so they can produce some power. The cleaning is a little like scrapping a windshield in a winter morning except, in my case, it more like scrapping an entire parking lot...We have 54 panels to clean one by one. I […]

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Snow, snow, snow

It is snowing today. A white Christmas?...Wait, wait, it is not even Thanksgiving nor Halloween, it is only October 27th, 2020! The air conditioning is still on 81°F from Yesterday but it is 29°F outside and the farm, and the solar panels, are covered with snow. Yesterday was a hot Summer, and today it is […]

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A typical morning at the Barn

Milking the goats Every morning when the sun rises, we start by milking the goats and feed all the animals before having breakfast. Traire les chèvres Tous les matins au levé du soleil, nous commençons par traire les chèvres et nourrir tous leas animaux, avant même d'avoir notre petit déjeuné.

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Interesting Cactus

Interesting cactus shape We have beautiful cactus flowers now, but this one is shaped as a cross. Un cactus intéressant Nous avons des cactus très fleuris maintenant, mais celui-ci a la forme d'une croix.

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Queen Bee

New Beehive at CHV We got a new beehive and a new Queen. Now we just need to add the bees from another beehive et wait for the honey. Nouvelle ruche à CHV Nous avons juste reçu une nouvelle ruche et une nouvelle reine. Maintenant nous avons juste besoin d'ajouter des abeilles d'une autre de […]

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Darn Rats

Roddents everywhere I killed 3 inside the truck, 4 in the garage, one in the barn, and they keep coming back trying to get in the house. They chewed through the window screen...I replaced it by a metal one and they chewed through it too!!! Rongeurs à gogo J'ai attrapé 3 souris dans le camion, […]

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A baby kiss

A baby Kiss We have a baby goat called Seida as part of our dairy goat family. She is so cute. She was born on January 29th. Baisé d'un bébé Nous avons une petite chèvre appelée Seida dans nos rangs de chèvres laitières. Elle est si jolie. Elle est née le 29 Janvier.

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An odd visitor

An odd visitor... ...while drinking wine outside. A buck came and visited for 20 minutes. It didn't care much for us, it was there for the bird seeds in a molasse block. Un visiteur bien curieux... ...alors que nous buvions un verre de vin dehors. Un cerf vint nous rendre visite pendant 20 minutes. Il […]

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What happened to Spring?

We're already in Summer Not only the weather is much nicer and warmer, but the day are much longer. It feels like summer. What happened to spring? Nous sommes déjà en été. Non seulement le temps est beau et chaud, mais les jours sont beaucoup plus longs. On se croirait en été. Ou est passé […]

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Morning Frost

Morning Frost There has been lot of dew frozen on the windshield every morning, quite unusual in a (not so) dry and (not so) warm desert climate. This is the new desert climate. Gelée du matin Il y a beaucoup de gelée sur le parbrise de la voiture chaque matin, pas très normal dans un […]

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